
Archive for March, 2015

Resuming rewrite of Mermaid Steel

March 19, 2015 Leave a comment

While Margaret and Kristoph are recording the album for The Mirror’s Revenge, and while I am awaiting the printing of the Snow White tee shirts, and after speaking to four classes of middle schoolers yesterday at their Career Day about what it is like to write for a living, I am reminded that I have a certain mermaid who is waiting for me to finish her story. So last night I dusted off the first draft and dove in to make the changes my beta testers gave me, and to add all the things I have thought of since flying through the draft online with you last fall. I was very happy to see the magic is still there, I love this story every bit as much as an editor as I did as a writer.

Categories: Mermaid Steel, Writing

Snow White Progress Continues

Read a few scenes from the play at FogCon this weekend. Folks seemed to like it. I also finished the lyrics for a song I have been considering adding to the play for a while. Meanwhile, Margaret and Kristoph have begun cutting tracks for the album. And I am meeting the the shirt screen printer this week to approve the tee shirt printing. So progress continues on all fronts.

Categories: Writing